Saturday, March 29, 2014


I got some effing EAR INFECTION. It hurts and its so stupid and I dont need this right now take it away from me thanks.

I woke up 7 am today and coudn't sleep anymore, my ear hurt really bad and I've been kind of fluish and feverish since thursday so that just made things worse. My grandma took me to the hospital and we waited there for 2 hours till I got antibiotics, which I need to take 3 times a day WHAT A JOY. I still have 2 tasks to complete for the school I'm applying and I really hate being sick now that I should be working real hard. Like today I need to go out for the whole night to shoot star trailing.. But I took really good shots today of my relatives, which was fun, still 3 people to go for that : )

And you know how I kinda study photography, to your surprise I'm really interested about it generally as well haha!! There's been this one photographer who has been on my life for a loooong time, but very secretly. I've seen alot of his pictures and liked them alot without knowing they were all by the same motherfucker. GD's Hyperbeast, Vouge and Bazaar covers, B&W shots of T.O.P and fucking Alive cd's concept photos. He's shot Big Bang alot and done alot of fashion and advertisement photography as well, I found him when my mom asked who shot the FROM TOP 1ST PICTORIAL photos and I had to search him down. Seriously I've been browsing trough Hong Jang-Hyuns portfolio for a good 30 minutes, I love this guys visual so much. Especially GDYB Bazaar shots and GD's Hyperbeast, I cant even describe how great they are. His B&W photography is phenomenal, it's exactly like the roughness and toughness I want in my pictures as well. I have the biggest amount of respect towards this photographer, I really hope I will someday be on the same level as him!!

His portfolio:

haha thats it i needed to get this off my chest

Tommmmmi is OUT

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I want to write more in here, so maybe I should really kick myself in the balls.

Here's me doing it.

Whats been happening, you (don't) ask? Like a whole punch of stuff. I need to aply for schools (which I did), need to edit a LOT of pictures (which I try to do) and take about 3 photosets for the pre-tasks of the schools I've applied (which I haven't started at all). From aside of the things I SHOULD be doing, I've been watching a buttload of anime and k-drama, went to Miyavis gig ( AMAZING) and sleeping.

My actions are the key to a perfect and succesfull life.

I did get a job fianlly, as a telemarketer, which of course sucks balls, but I've learnt to tolerate it at the most. For exaple today was a good day, I got 4 sales and my boss and I rapped while working. She also thought my G-Dragon phonerings were me, which made me cry. Who wouldn't like to look like GD. Not me. So ugly.

So the last drama I watched (ALSO the first one I've ever finished!) was The Heirs. oh my god seriously I dont know what to say.  Most of the time I was really pissed off, like I am always when I watch dramas, also I laughed like 30% of the time, all my actions were 100% sarcastic. But in the end, I REALLY cant complain, because, lets face it

Kim Woo Bin.

(You want me to make a full post about my thoughts on The Heirs? yes, no? LET ME KNOW)

So now that I've finished it, I'm craving for more, so In the comments you should totally suggest me new dramas to watch!!

I'm basically having a 2 week vacation from school, so I REALLY REALLY wanna be more active here and get new friends trough this blog, I'll try to make a few posts maybe about few bands, fashon what evs comes to my mind, so this is a great time to start following me here!!!!!!! Have a great rest of the week you guys, I'll promise you'll hear from me soon!

Tommi out~

Friday, January 31, 2014


(Heads up im drunk)

Oh man I've been so quiet here. I bet no one even cares if I make up excuses?

I will make them anyways.

Busy at school, like real busy. I'm in the middle of this months critique work at the moment, and like on the whole, this whole autumn has been a big fuss full of everything. But hey, enough about that, I'm here now!

So whats been happening? Not much I quess. I've been hella poor but somehow still got enough money to get food. Sure I've been buying shirts, wigs and small stuff from ebay, but it doesnt hurt my  wallet that much. It really doesnt.

Okay it does.

And whats been happening in kpop? Yeah lets talk about that. Very important. For me its been Ringa Linga, Doom Dada, oh whats that? WINNER? Got7??

I could rant about WIN so much, but I quess its kinda olpd news so lets leave that be. I just wished team B woud have won. But its ok. WINNER TV has helped me cope with my pain. Exitedly waiting for their debut, hope they'll do a good job.
I listened to the Got7 album just a few days ago, and it was ok, I like their style. But they aint that cute.

Tomorrow will be the first ever Pride festival here in Lahti and I'm very excited. I have never been to the one in Helsinki, so this is a nice opportunity finally experience it. For school I'll be making a photo report of it for our photojournalism course. But I'm kinda butthurt that neither my girlfriend NOR my roommate wont be attending, so I have to go there by myself, but I will try to have fun.
Next month will be heaven, also hell. I have a 3 week vacation from school, which will include Desucon Frostbite, 10 photoshoots in 3 days, plus annyeong party. I swore I will never go there again, but then Ringa Linga happened AND it will be a black and white party, sooooooo. What u gonna do.

Im seriously the worst blogger ever, I don't know how to tell about my life, its so uneventful.

Tommi out

                                                   P.S I look hella cute today

Friday, September 6, 2013

Vittu ebay

I have suuuuch a long list of things I want to buy, but I need to wait till next month so I see how much money will I have left after rent and all. And it feels bad that I'm already waiting like 10 items to arrive, but I just keep ordering more. Bad Tommi.

Look at all that shit.

I actually had some leftover money, so I was able to order that blue shirt, and I'm am really looking forward to it to arrive! I also have a big handfull of other wigs I want to order, they're pretty much all shades of pink. My wig closet will be known as 50 shades of pink. Also my platforms broke last week, and I really want new ones. But I have the cool shoes I bought from Helsinki, so after I get them from my moms house this weekend, I will be ok with only those (though I hve 5 pairs of shoes here with me fml) I've become an ebayholic, this ain healthy at all.

Well, this was a short post, I am leaving today at 6 to spend the weekend at moms place and get my ebay orders that have already arrived.

Looking forward to the weekend Tommi out.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I think nobodys even following me here, but yeah I've been inactive cause of school, it's been really busy.

SO both parts of G-D's new album have been released, with 2 new music videos. I dont want to flush twitter/facebook/tumblr with my reviews of these, so I'll make a  post.

I haven't listened to the 2nd part of the album yet, but I watched CROOKED just a few minutes ago. From the 1st part, COUP D'ETAT really was my favourite, but on the whole, not bad at all. I first listened to the album before watching the MV, after that my mind about COUP D'ETAT has changed a bit for me. After the MV it got alot more character and power, and the contrast of the filmset and scenery and GD's slight mouth movement, I really liked that one. This shit will definitely inspire me with my photography assingments. And aaaah I LOVE it how different it is from CROOKED, but still there is the same spirit and same man behind them i think its amazing. Visually both MV's are amazing, (But bby, what up with the hair on COUP D'ETAT).  Yeah, COUP D'ETAT is only a visual experience, the song and the MV helps me visualize seriosuly what I want to do, and that is it.

(while writing about CROOKED imma take a quick look of the second part of the album). Now that I've watched CROOKED, all I can see are the cool clothes and hair. Seriously, if I was made to specify my fashion goals, it would be female version of GD, hands down, that guy has the best sense of fashion ever. And the song is so relaxed, I can so see myself hanging outside with friends, smoking a waterpipe and listening to this song. I love it how after COUP D'ETAT, it brings down everything, it just calms everything down. I thing it was a good call to first release COUP D'ETAT and then CROOKED.

Also fucking fell in love with this shirt, I need this in my life.


Tommi ollie outie~

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lets talk about K-pop

Heeey, I wanna talk little about k-pop and how it has affected my style and other things!

So lets start with the fact that, yes, I like k-pop. These days I listen to it more than I used to, but it has been several years that I have been familiar with it. I think it all started when I was about 13-14. Back then I mostly listened to japanese alterantive/rock music (Radwimps, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, UverWorld, BACK-ON) and western bands as well (Billy Talent, 30 Seconds To Mars, Linkin Park). Back then I think the whole k-pop thing started when my boyfriend of that time and his friends had this huge thing with Girls Generation's Gee.

Seriously, it was this big more or less of a joke, and we all knew the dance and danced it at school. Then I started doing some digging up and and found scattered songs here and there by various artists that I started to listen. At that time the only band that influenced my music taste the most was Epik High, because it was the closest to my music taste that time.

Some time before Psy landed on the markets, I again started to explore my old music libraries and youtube and k-pop has steadily been part of my life ever since. Sometimes I just browse trough youtube listening to not so well known artists, but I mainly listen to Big Bang and 2ne1, 'cause if it comes to fashion icons T.O.P, GD and CL are seriously my idols.

GD has such amazing style and his music videos give me a lot of inspiration. My style has become more and more influenced by his musicvideos. Most of the time when I'm looking trough K-pop musicvideos I'm just making notes of clothes I plan to do or buy.

Aaaaah it's so hard to write about this stuff, cause I have so much what I want to say but I cant put it into words. Welp, I'll make more thorough post about GD maybe?

Anygaaaays, Tommi out.

Helsinki + Exiting news!

So the Helsinki trip came and went, it wasn't the best trip we've had but it was fun! We met a lot of new cool people and went to the Annyeong party, where were never ever going again. It was just 13-15 year olds screaming every 5 minutes and dancing gangnam style. But we laughed, danced and drank alot so in the end it was a nice experience~
                               Insert emo quote.jpg

We spent surprisingly big amount of time at the train station, and Tero was planning to move to one of those luggage storage lockers.
I bought p cool shoes from dinsko for 13 euros, I had a bet with Tuomas that I could find a pair of shoes for myself in 5 minutes. It only took me 4 to find these :  )

Okay, so in other news, I got in to a school in Lahti to study photography for a year! School starts on 26th an I'm moving to Lahti couple days before that so its going to be hectic. I have only one week to sell some unnecesary stuff away and get everything packed and ready! I am extremely exited to get to study what I love, and to move to live on my on again.

So because I'm sellin alot of stuff atm, I've gotten a bit more pocket money to spend. Yesterday I bought one new pair of glasses, fake lashes and glue and a pair of winter leggings. I'm still waiting for one payment so I could buy a new backpack. And I also would want new circle lenses and a wig, my pink one is in a bad shape atm : ( I'm soon leaving to go have dinner with relatives, and for the first time I put my blonde/pink wig on, and I have forgotten how much I like this one~

My face is looking so dumb today i cant Tommi out.